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Sunday, November 22, 2009

GAMER - the movie equivalent of canine intercourse

The older woman's fancy man Gerard Butler ("This is Spartaaaa" etc) stars in this vein-bulging, headache-inducing, overedited sci-fi shambles by Nevilene and Taylor. As the creators of the Crank franchise, and clearly aware of those movies' similarities to a live action Grand Theft Auto,  N&T have decided to push the live action computer game concept forward with Gamer. Not sure why they bothered.  In a not-too-distant future everyone seems to be playing Slayers - like playing Modern Warfare, except you are controlling real deathrow inmates rather than a bunch of polygons - or Society, a pervy version of Second Life, populated by out of work actors being controlled by greasy salad-dodging lardasses, like this fine specimen below.

GB is the main man of Slayers, needless to say he's in there because he's been set up, he manages to break out and is determined to find out The Truth blah blah. Like Crank, this is more like a 90 minute music video than an actual shot seems to last more than a second and the camera jerks around like a dog biting an electric fence.

There is a huge bodycount and plenty of female nudity but it's far too stylised and dumb to appreciate. Play your xbox/ps3/sega megadrive instead, you'll have a lot more fun.

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