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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Gene Generation - like the Matrix, except cheap and retarded

Bai Ling's breasts.

Alright, now lets move onto the bad points. This is a sci-fi adaptation of an obscure comic (sorry, GRAPHIC NOVEL) which seems to be a william gibson-derived cyberpunk (hate that word but my vocabulary doesnt have any other words to describe "vaguely blade-runnery, grimy dystopian future setting") The rather fetching Bai Ling is an assassin hunting down DNA-thieves or summat, despite the fact that she seems to ignore the stealth approach and strides around looking like a intergalactic raver in goth boots and hot pants - god forbid we have a slightly overweight moon-faced female killer with greasy hair, she's an assassin so she has to be SHEXSY.

So there's some mad plot about a stolen widget that can do...stuff..there are some boring action scenes and the entire thing look like it was filmed in three locations, her apartment, a corridor and some kind of foundry. Except for the exterior scenes, which look like some obscure japanese PS2 game intro (red sky over futuristic landscape with zeppelins and archaic boat-things floating overhead.) Theres a hilariously gratuitous sex scene and a whole load of awful supporting characters who do little but act as plot points and irritations.The micro-budget shows through at every seam and really....I admire ambition but this is trying to remake the matrix with your mates and a copy of after Effects. Avoid, unless you like seeing fit asian actresses looking hot and angry. So in fairness, its actually is probably worth, not a thumbs up, but maybe a mild trouser twitch of a recommendation.

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