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Welcome to our Movies and Visual Media area. We shall try to keep up with the latest big screen and little screen antics, especially any related to games and stuff that is just... cool! WARNING! May not be suitable for under 16's

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Collapse - its all going to go f*kin pear shaped lads

Well in fairness I, er, "acquired" this strange thing by mistake....had a creepy cover and lots of quotes by people I've never heard of saying things like "THE MOST TERRIFYING FILM OF THE YEAR!!" and "I QUITE LITERALLY SH*T MY PANTS WHILE WATCHING THIS MOVIE" Well...don't make the same mistake i did if you are looking for a scary horror flick( Unless you find old men with mustaches terrifying - and there's probably a term for that...for example, Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns. And you thought you werent going to learn anything on the internet today!) So yeah, the movie is an hour of an old man with a moustache telling an interviewer that we're all pretty much doomed because of peak oil and natural resource depletion, and a load of other vaguely connected conspiracy theories with chucked in mysterious deaths and that to give it a proper x-files paranoid feel.

picture of an old man with weary expression cigarette and moustache here

But I'll check my cynicism...Once i got beyond the fact that I was staring at a chainsmoking old man with a moustache for an hour, some of what he says - tenous, melodramatic and slightly mental though it may seem - is f**king scary. It's just a shame that a lot of the apparent savvy he claims he possesses is not materially backed up re: ability to read market trends and such, as he lives alone with a dog and a guitar and is, according to the end credits, about to be evicted for non-payment of rent. But if only 10% of what he posits is true, then you'd better get yourself some arable farming skills and a shitload of organic seeds. Because Mad Max times are a-comin....and I've got my Humongous costume ready.

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